Inclusive Science Teaching
Are you interested in equity, diversity and inclusion in education? Have you experienced challenges in your teaching regarding these topics?
Our activities
Inclusive Science Teaching Workshop
This workshop consisting of 2 sessions will provide the space to share own personal experiences and doubts, jointly discuss different approaches to tackle EDI aspects in the field of science teaching and gain a better understanding of what is at stake when it comes to equity in education. The workshop intends to empower teachers from the Faculty of Science to embrace inclusive teaching as an ongoing process that does not take place overnight but rather is a cycle that involves reflection and comes from a genuine place.
How and when can I participate?
Upcoming Workshop Dates (to attend the workshop, you need to be present in both sessions):
- March 30th from 15h to 17h (online)
- April 13th from 15h to 17h (online)
Register by emailing (Aitana BILINSKI).
Want to continue the conversation or can’t make the workshop? Join us at our Intervision Sessions:
Intervision Sessions
During the Intervision Session, everyone is invited to share a dilemma in their teaching, if they wish to do so. Upon voting, one dilemma will be chosen on the basis of recognizability among the other participants, or based on feelings of urgency of the person who introduced the dilemma. Together we analyse and evaluate this dilemma in depth to come to new approaches, solutions and insights. The goal of this Intervision is for teachers to exchange experiences from educational practice with each other and to increase confidence to address inclusive science teaching dilemmas.
How and when can I participate?
We propose to meet of the following dates:
- March 29th from 12h to 13h30 (in person at Utrecht Science Park)
- April 20th from 12h to 13h30 (in person at Utrecht Science Park)
Register by emailing (Aitana BILINSKI).
Inclusive science teaching (Video 2022 about the pilot Workshop (Samar Khan, Eleanor Rowan, Aitana Bilinski). Staff and students of the Freudenthal Institute have designed a workshop to help science teachers reflect on, and reorient, their teaching practices. Here is what a couple of pilot group members have to say about it. |
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Current members: Arthur BAKKER (Project Leader), Aitana BILINSKI, Miriam DE BOER, Abigail NIEVES DELGADO, Chahida BOUHAMOU, Stan ZILVER and Gergana VASILEVA.
Past members: Eleanor ROWAN, Samar KHAN, Grace EBRON and Vincent JONKER.
Diversity and inclusion are key challenges for Science education in the 21st century. The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee of the Faculty of Science has so far focused on gender issues for personnel, and offers trainings on bias in recruitment. These initiatives are very important. However, the international literature indicates that teaching is also an important part of inclusive education, and that the challenges are to an extent specific to mathematics, computer science, the natural and life sciences (e.g., Avraamidou, 2020; Solomon, 2007). This workshop is therefore intended to build on existing initiatives and support the formation of a community of practice within the faculty, defining and practising inclusive Science education in the Dutch context.

The project is supported with money from the Utrecht Education Stimulation Foundation (USO), Utrecht University