STEM Teacher Training Network of the Netherlands


Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

FunThink – Enhancing functional thinking from primary to upper secondary school

European (Erasmus+) project 2020-2022 Penvoerder Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany Partners in the Netherlands Universiteit Utrecht (Freudenthal Instituut) en Hogeschool iPabo Abstract Functional thinking is not only highly relevant within mathematics, but also crucial in everyday and professional life. It is, for instance, required, when modelling the spread of a virus such as the current…

Biologie // Natuurkunde // Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Scheikunde // Techniek (VO) // Wetenschap/Techniek (PO) // Wiskunde // Basisonderwijs // Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort


ICSE (International Centre for STEM Education) is an internationally connected research centre that is located at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany. The ultimate aim of ICSE is to help improve STEM education across Europe through practice-related research and its transfer into practice. 3C4Life References ICSE website