Dutch Center of Expertise for Teacher Training in Mathemathics and Science Education (STEM teacher training)
Dutch name: Expertisecentrum Lerarenopleidingen Wiskunde en Rekenen en Science
Activities of the Center
- Annual Conference
All ‘learning communities’ in the area of STEM teacher training meet at the Annual May Conference for exchange and update of both didactical and content knowledge. - Networking
Exchange of ideas between the different teacher training institutes, both for primary and secondary education - Knowledge sharing
Building and maintaining the website for use by teachers and students of dutch teacher training institutes - Research
Support teacher trainers to do (didactical) research themselves and build stronger connections with researchers
- Kools, Q., & Keijzer, R. (2019). Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development as by-product of practice based research: the elwier research group. Paper presented at the EApril 2018, Portorož, Slovenia.
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