Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Problemen in de begripsontwikkeling in relatie tot de aanpak van docenten en studieboek-schrijver

Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen, uitgegeven door het Freudenthal Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht in de periode 1983-2014

Kaper, W. H.
Ten Voorde, H. H.

Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen
1991 – 9(1), 3-28

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The relation of ‘conceptdevelopment’ by students and the teaching approach of authors of textbooks and teachers is the subject of this article. In ¬ß 1 it is indicated in which way this article is linked to previous research. A ‘context’ concept will be developed (¬ß 2), which will prove useful in analyzing textbooks, that is in analyzing a planned conceptdevelopment. Next (¬ß 3), a distinction will be made between three teaching approaches, three ways pursuing conceptdevelopment by students, which I name: stealthy (Dutch: sluipend), explicit and problem posing respecitvely. Three recurrent problems in the development of an ‘ion’ concpet will become understandable as a result of a stealthy way of exchanging one context for another, e.e. a particular teaching approach (¬ß 4). A problem will be formulated with respect fo the identification of "teaching approaches" (¬ß 3.3). An argued naming of teaching approaches may become possible when we consider "teaching" approach as an aspect of a teaching-learning-situation as a whole. To this end the situation to which a stealthy approach belongs is described with a list of properties (¬ß 5). Finallly the question is raised to what kind of situation a problem posing approach may be reckoned. (¬ß 6).

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