Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Uitleggen door analogie en context

Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen, uitgegeven door het Freudenthal Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht in de periode 1983-2014

Kemme, S. L.

Tijdschrift voor Didactiek van de Beta-wetenschappen
1990 – 8(1), 36-58

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In the introduction of mathematical concepts and activities the role played by realistic situations (contexts) is still increasing. However, the effects of embodiments in contexts are very different and unpredictable. Three similar contexts are analysed with respect to their suggested analogies to formal, symbolic operations. The effects of these contexts upon pupils’ learning have also been investigated. As a result some reasons are given that might explain the differences.

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