Utrecht Summerschool Technology in Science Education
In this summer school, you will learn how to apply technology in the design of teaching in secondary and higher science education and how to study its effects, by closely observing student learning. Starting from your learning objectives, you will become acquainted with technology for orchestrating classroom interaction, using mobile technology in combination with shared virtual spaces, virtual and augmented reality and advanced simulations. Moreover, you will learn how to use camera observation, both as a tool for assessing learning and for providing feedback to teachers and students.

Technology, from smartboards to mobile learning is penetrating classrooms at all levels of education, including secondary and higher education. This opens many new opportunities for supporting learning, especially in science education. Simulations, virtual and augmented reality, as well as mobile technology provide opportunities to engage students closely with the content matter. Within the classroom, such technologies can be used to initiate joint inquiry, with all class members participating in classroom discussions, e.g. by working on a shared workspace. Beyond the classroom, these developments may result in “blended learning” in which students can better integrate the time they study at home – or at any place for that matter – and the joint time within the classroom.
Important in the design of technology is to evaluate whether its application has the expected effects on the learning process and learning outcomes. Observations with one or multiple camera’s may provide insight in the way students respond to technology and the associated teaching interventions. This summer school is meant for students (MSc and PhD), researchers and other participants with an interest in science education. The focus is on the design and evaluation of technology-rich science education environments. In one week, you will attend short lectures on the background of technology use in science education, participate in practical demonstrations of technology, learn how to observe learning and evaluate the learning environment. During the week, you will work on a small design project in which you apply at least one of the studied technologies in the design of a teaching and learning situation.