Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Young KWG (Jonge wiskundigen)

Netwerk van jonge wiskundigen, initiatief van het KWG


van de website (2024)

With Young KWG, we aim to create a community of young mathematicians in the Netherlands, a place where individuals can connect, interact, and learn from one another. We especially support international colleagues starting their careers in a new environment.

Event 24-5-2024

Young KWG day – Utrecht, 24 mei, o.a. met Keynote speaker Diletta Martinelli, she is an assistant professor at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Her research interests are in algebraic geometry and in particular in higher dimensional birational geometry.

ELWIeR en Ecent als één STEM