STEM Teacher Training Network of the Netherlands


Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Wiskunde // Voortgezet onderwijs // Lang

Problem solving

Problem solving is more than just solving a problem. Definition Problem solving refers more to the process that leads to solving the problem than to finding the solution itself. In problem solving, the ability to use heuristics and a mathematical attitude are important. In general, a number of phases can be distinguished in problem solving:…

Biologie // Natuurkunde // NLT // Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Scheikunde // Wiskunde // Basisonderwijs // Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs // Voortgezet onderwijs // Lang

FI Scientific Library

Scientific publications from the Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University. Theses and other publication, starting in 1990. Van Dijke (2021). Introducing Statistical Inference: Design and Evaluation of a Learning Trajectory. Utrecht University, Utrecht. (FI Scientific Library 109) Wijnker, W. (2021). The Unseen Potential of Film for Learning. Film’s Interest Raising Mechanisms Explained in Secondary Science and Mathematics…