PME-5 Grenoble ’81
![]() Tijdschrift voor reken-wiskundeonderwijs, uitgegeven door het Freudenthal Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht in de periode 1981-2013 De Nieuwe Wiskrant berichtte vooral over nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van wiskundeonderwijs in het voortgezet onderwijs, zoals de vernieuwde tweede fase, ict in het onderwijs, de nieuwe plannen voor vmbo, zelfstandig leren, toetsen en examens, de A-lympiade, de Nationale Wiskunde Dagen, e.d. |
Streefland, L.
Nieuwe Wiskrant. Tijdschrift voor Nederlands Wiskundeonderwijs The fifth conference for the Psychology of Mathemafics Education (PME) took place in Grenoble, July 13th – 18th, 1981. In the present contribution some general trends of the conference are being discussed. The author’s main point is stating the growing awareness among many participants and contributors that due account should be paid in Math ’s (and other) education to notions pupils might already have of the concept, the operation, the structure or the idea, that has to be taught. It should be the task of (mathematics) education to start from the pupils’ point of view and to try to develop their ideas in the more formal direction one is aiming at. For several contributors the history of mathematics has been some source of inspiration, both with respect to the study of learning processes and to the arrangement of certain topics of subject matter. The conference proved that the Ieaming of mathematics is a field of interest of many researchers from different countries. All efforts together might lead to a general theory of the learning of mathematics and of mathematics education. No doubt insights acquired by research will improve mathematics education in the future. |
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