Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Data en statistiek voor de basisschool

Lesmateriaal voor statistiek in het basisonderwijs

Contexts for learning mathematics

Frans van Galen, Koeno Gravemeijer, Cathy Fosnot e.a.

Vier deeltjes (engelstalig), uitgegeven bij New perspectives on Learning.

Wat betreft de didactische achtergrond zie o.a.

  • Van Galen, F. and Gravemeijer, K. (2020). Het beste merk batterijen. Voorbeelden uit een leerling data en statistiek (PDF) Volgens Bartjens, 39(3). .
  • Van Galen, F. and Van Eerde, D. (2017). Statistiek in het basisonderwijs (PDF). In M. Van Zanten (Ed.), Rekenen-wiskunde in de 21e eeuw. Ideeën en achtergronden voor primair onderwijs (pp. 43-52). Utrecht / Enschede: Panama, Universiteit Utrecht / NVORWO / SLO.

Value Bars and Line Plots: Data Representation

grade 2 / groep 4

Value Bars and Line Plots is a new second grade unit in the Contexts for Learning Mathematics series. The mathematical focus of the unit is the introduction of data representation. With value bars, children graph heights of animals and the lengths of their jumps. Next, they plot age frequencies and the results of a beanbag tossing game with line plots. By the end of the unit, students are analyzing the shape of the data and drawing conclusions about data sets. Value Bars and Line Plots is designed to promote mathematical inquiry and to encourage young children to become excited about being a mathematician.

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All About Sharks – Data Representation and Analysis

grade 3 / groep 5

All About Sharks introduces the use of two marked dimensions (horizontal and vertical scales), effectively turning value bar comparisons and line plots into more easily readable graphs. The scales are also extended to include fractions and scaled data. Students explore and graph the lengths and lifespans of a variety of sharks, measure their teeth, and work with real data sets from an environmental study near the Great Barrier Reef.

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From Sunflowers to Growth Patterns – Data Representation and Analysis

grade 4 / groep 6

This unit extends the work on data representation and analysis by focusing on growth over time, including again the use of scaled axes on marked dimensions (horizontal and vertical scales), but also extending the markings on the scales to eighths and introducing line graphs. It also includes more work with line plots, developing an understanding of range and building a foundation for an analysis of central tendencies (mode and median), which will be more formally taught in grades 5 and 6.

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Batteries, Cell Phones, Dalmations, and Pumpkin Growth – Data Representation and Analysis

grade 5 / groep 7

This unit extends the work on data representation and analysis to include the use of scaled axes on marked dimensions but with the decomposition of intervals encompassing fractional sections on the scales. It also develops an understanding of range, clusters, and outliers and builds a foundation for the development of the mean, mode, and median.

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ELWIeR en Ecent als één STEM