Open leermiddelen
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Materiaal voor onderwijs dat ‘open’ (gratis/online/e.d.) beschikbaar is. |
Zie ook:
- Burgos, M., Beltrán-Pellicer, P., Giacomone, B. and Godino, J. (2019). Onto-Semiotic Analysis Of A Lesson On Percentages.
- Dood, C., Hendrix, M., Van der Lee, A., Bruggink, M. and De Visser, M. (2024). Kwaliteitscriteria voor leermiddelen funderend onderwijs – een literatuurstudie (PDF) (pp. 92). Nijmegen: Expertisecentrum Nederlands, ResearchNed
- Doorman, M., Fechner, S., Wijers, M. and Jonker, V. (2014). Mascil. Guidelines for teachers for developing IBST-oriented classroom materials for science and mathematics using workplace contexts (PDF) (pp. 34). Utrecht: Utrecht University
- Foster, C., Francome, T., Hewitt, D. and Shore, C. (2021). Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum Journal Of Curriculum Studies, 53(5), 621-641. doi:10.1080/00220272.2021.1902569
- Hadar, L. and Tirosh, M. (2019). Creative thinking in mathematics curriculum: An analytic framework. Thinking Skills And Creativity, 33. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2019.100585
- Murdaningsih, S. and Murtiyasa, B. (2016). An Analysis on Eight Grade Mathematics Textbook of New Indonesian Curriculum (K-13) Based on Pisa’s Framework Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education (JRAMathEdu), 1(1), 14-27.
- Navarro-Martínez, O., Molina-Díaz, A. and Lacruz-Alcocer, M. (2014). An experience of evaluating designs of multimedia educational materials for primary education.
- Shalgimbekova, K., Eremeeva, O. and Pronkin, N. (2023). How the teacher’s choice of e-textbook affects the primary school students’ performance? Education And Information Technologies. doi:10.1007/s10639-023-11937-9
- Wilkens, H., Elzinga, J., Gmelig, I. and Reints, A. (2023). Bouwen aan kwaliteit voor IOL. Adviezen gebaseerd op een analyse van bestaande kwaliteitsconcepten van (open) leermateriaal (PDF): CLU Leermiddelen Adviescentrum