Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Seminar – Professional development in ‘Mathematics in play’

Title Mathematics in play, Lecture by Ronald Keijzer
People Ronald Keijzer
Date 9-12-2021
Source Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute seminar

The ‘Mathematics in play’-project aims at stimulating language and mathematics in young children’s spontaneous play. In the project professionals from kindergarten and preschool are joined with educators and researchers in a professional learning community (PLC) in order to search for strategies in reaching this goal. In order to arrive at these strategies, the PLC participants discussed interaction strategies and young children’s mathematics. Additionally, the professionals presented examples from their practice. The case study presented analyses the development of one kindergarten teacher, Oumnia, in this PLC setting.
More on Mathematics Education Seminars UU

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