Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen


18 april 2022
Wiskunde // Hoger Onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education at University Level

Speaker: André Heck, Korteweg-de Vries Institute, University of Amsterdam   12-05-2022 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00  Link to teams Inquiry-Based Based Mathematics and Science Education (IBME/IBSE) at primary and secondary school level has proliferated since the Rocard project in 2007. However, university mathematics teaching has remained mainly traditional, especially in the first university years. But…

18 februari 2022
Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – The 4S model for selecting, analyzing and designing tasks

Speaker: Desiree Agterberg, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences   10-03-2022 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00  The seminar will be exclusively online: see the Teams-link below. Video: Youtube  The 4S model for selecting, analyzing and designing tasks The history of mathematics (HoM) can be used in mathematics education in many ways. Both Tzanakis et al. (2000) and Jankvist…

17 december 2021
Wiskunde // Hoger Onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Innovative practices in higher education mathematics: taking the student perspective

Speakers: Birgit Pepin & Zeger-Jan Kock TU/e Eindhoven 10-02-2022 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00  The seminar will be exclusively online: see the Teams-link below. Video: Youtube.   Innovative practices in higher education mathematics: taking the student perspective  In this presentation we first review the literature related to innovative practices of mathematics in (higher) engineering education, in…

Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Basisonderwijs // Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Contemporary issues in mathematics education: word problems and strategy flexibility

Speaker: Marian Hickendorff, Leiden University   13-01-2021 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00  The seminar will be exclusively online: see the Teams-link below. Video: Youtube.   Contemporary issues in mathematics education: word problems and strategy flexibility My research ambition is to provide empirical basis to questions and discussions about mathematics education. In this seminar I will focus…

Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Basisonderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Professional development in ‘Mathematics in play’

Title Mathematics in play, Lecture by Ronald Keijzer People Ronald Keijzer Date 9-12-2021 Source Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute seminar The ‘Mathematics in play’-project aims at stimulating language and mathematics in young children’s spontaneous play. In the project professionals from kindergarten and preschool are joined with educators and researchers in a professional learning community (PLC) in…

03 november 2021
Wiskunde // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Introducing Statistical Inference: Design and Evaluation of a Learning Trajectory

Speaker: Marianne van Dijke-Droogers, Utrecht University 11-11-2021 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00  Location: David de Wied building, room 0.42, UU, Utrecht Or in Teams: Click here to join the meeting Abstract The increasing amount of data in media over the last year—think of COVID—illustrates the necessity for students to become statistically literate—including interpreting inferences. Drawing…

27 september 2021
Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Hoger Onderwijs // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – Embodied technologies for understanding mathematics

Speaker: Anna Shvarts, Utrecht University 14-10-2021 – Time: 15:30 – 17:00 followed by drinks Location: David de Wied building, room 0.42, UU, Utrecht Or in Teams: Click here to join the meeting Abstract Technological devices intensively fill our lives. We do not schedule a meeting without a calendar assistant, do not recall phone numbers of…

27 augustus 2021
Wiskunde // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Seminar – being visually impaired and doing mathematics

Annemiek van Leendert, Utrecht University & Visio Online seminar: Supporting braille readers in reading and comprehending mathematical expressions in braille Teams meeting 9 september (15:30-17:00) Most people would agree that all students should have the opportunity to develop their mathematical abilities. Despite all efforts, this is still very challenging for those who are severely visually…

10 mei 2021
Wiskunde // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Digitaal toetsen met Numworx

Numworx is working on new tools for formative assessment of secondary education mathematics curricula. The goal is to create and disclose better data to determine students’ capabilities and weaknesses, especially for formative purposes. Numworx werkomgeving Digitaal toetsen Samenvatting Numworx werkt vanaf 2022 aan een product waarmee digitaal toetsen van wiskunde op verantwoorde wijze mogelijk wordt….

13 april 2021
Wiskunde // Kort

Lezing – University Students’ Actions with Digital Algebra Textbooks

Angeliki Mali (University of Groningen) Online seminar: The conceptual blending framework as a way to investigate the integration of mathematics and physics in student reasoning Teams meeting 15 april (15:30-17:00) In this seminar, I will talk about university students’ actions with digital textbooks by reporting on their patterns of viewing and of use in a…

14 januari 2021
Natuurkunde // Wiskunde // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Seminar on student reasoning when combining mathematical and physical knowledge

Title The conceptual blending framework as a way to investigate the integration of mathematics and physics in student reasoning. People Martin Goedhart, Sofie Van den Eynde, University of Groningen Date 14-1-2021 Source Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute seminar During the last decades, the framework of conceptual blending has drawn attention in physics and mathematics education research….

10 november 2020
Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Basisonderwijs // Kort

Seminar Carolien Duijzer, Utrecht University/Marnix Academie

Title – Moving towards understanding: reasoning about graphs in primary mathematics education 12 november 2020 – 15:30-17:00 Zie ook de pagina over haar proefschrift. During my PhD I focused on stimulating fifth-grade students’ reasoning with motion graphs, as an approach to incorporate higher-order thinking (HOT) in mathematics activities in primary school. The graphing of motion…

08 oktober 2020
Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Wiskunde // Bovenbouw h/v // Onderbouw h/v // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Online Mathematics Education Seminar – Peter Kop

Title Teaching graphing formulas by hand to promote students’ symbol sense People Peter Kop, Universiteit Leiden Date 8-10-2020 Source Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute seminar Many students in secondary school continue to have serious problems with algebra formulas which are very abstract for them (e.g. Kieran, 2006). Often these students lack symbol sense, that is, they…

16 september 2020
Rekenen/Wiskunde (po) // Rekenen/Wiskunde (vo) // Wiskunde // Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs // Voortgezet onderwijs // Kort

Online Mathematics Education Seminars UU

Alle seminars op Youtube Online seminars over wiskundeonderwijs. Discussie en vragen zijn een belangrijk onderdeel. Georganiseerd door de Universiteit Utrecht: Rogier Bos en Anna Shvarts. Zie ook Freudenthal Instituut: Webpagina Mathematics Education Seminars Doel Deze reeks van seminars richt zich op de volgende twee hoofddoelen: (1) ons begrip van fenomenen in het wiskundeonderwijs verdiepen, en…

ELWIeR en Ecent als één STEM