Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Big ideas

Term uit 2002-2005 om centrale ‘begrippen’ uit het reken-wiskundeonderwijs te benoemen.

Zie ook Crosscutting concept (vergelijkbaar begrip uit de science)


Definitie van Randall (2005):
* A Big Idea is a statement of an idea that is central to the learning of mathematics, one that links numerous mathematical understandings into a coherent whole.

In het PISA onderzoek (OECD 2010) zien we een aantal kerngebieden gedefinieerd (in 2003 werden dit nog ‘big ideas’ genoemd)

  • Change and relationships
  • Space and shape
  • Quantity
  • Uncertainty and data

These four categories characterise the range of mathematical content that is central to the discipline and illustrate the broad areas of content that guide development of test items for PISA 2012. With these four categories, the mathematical domain can be organised in a way that ensures a spread of items across the domain and focuses on important mathematical phenomena, but at the same time, avoids a too fine division that would work against a focus on rich and challenging mathematical problems based in real situations. While categorisation by content category is important for item development and selection, and for reporting of assessment results, it is important to note that some specific content topics may materialise in more than one content category.


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