Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

Conferentie 2025 – Educating the Educators

Μay 8 – 9, 2025, St Raphael Hotel Limassol, Cyprus


International Conference on approaches to scaling-up professional development in mathematics and science education

Call for proposals: September 2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 4th November 2024

Research, policy, practice

Join us from May 8th to May 9th, 2025, in the beautiful city of Limassol, Cyprus, for an unparalleled experience at the forefront of STEM education!

Target Audience:

Whether you’re a teacher educator, researcher, policymaker, or educator in the fields of math and science, ETE 2025 has something for you! We welcome individuals dedicated to enhancing STEM education and fostering positive change in classrooms worldwide.

Special Program for Teachers:

At ETE V we’re thrilled to announce a specialized program designed exclusively for teachers. Join us for interactive workshops, insightful presentations, and networking opportunities tailored to elevate your teaching practice and inspire innovation in the classroom.

Call for Proposals:

The official Call for Proposals for ETE 2025 will be published in the summer of 2024. Don’t miss your chance to share your expertise, contribute to the conversation, and shape the future of STEM education!

Conference tracks:

  • Diversity in STEM
  • STEM Education in the Digital Era
  • Interdisciplinarity in STEM Education
  • Sustainability and STEM Education

Plenary speakers:

In the conference there will be a policy round table. The topic of the round table will be Teacher Mobility in STEM Education in Europe. This round table follows up from two online round tables that were part of the ICSE Academy and aims to bring together key stakeholders from the education sector, government, academia, and industry to discuss the critical issue of teacher mobility in STEM education. The purpose of the round table is to explore the current state of STEM Teacher mobility in Europe, challenges and opportunities associated with enhancing teacher mobility to improve STEM education outcomes, and policy recommendations and supports. Participants will engage in a collaborative dialogue to identify policy recommendations and practical strategies that can facilitate greater mobility and professional growth for STEM educators. The round table will also consider the impact of teacher mobility on student achievement, teacher retention, and the broader STEM education landscape. During the Round table we aim to discuss the following questions:

  • Current State of STEM Teacher Mobility:
    • What is the current state of teacher mobility in STEM education within and across different EU countries?
    • How do existing policies support or hinder teacher mobility in STEM education in Europe?
  • Challenges and Barriers:
    • What are the primary challenges and barriers to teacher mobility in STEM education?
    • How do factors such as certification requirements, funding, and administrative support impact teacher mobility in STEM Education in Europe?
  • Impact on STEM Education:
    • How does teacher mobility affect the quality of STEM education and student outcomes?
    • What are the implications of limited mobility for teacher professional development and retention?
  • Policy and Institutional Support:
    • What policy measures can be implemented to facilitate greater mobility for STEM teachers in Europe?
    • How can schools, districts, and higher education institutions support and incentivize STEM teacher mobility?
  • Innovative Solutions and Best Practices:
    • Are there successful models or best practices from other regions or countries that can be adapted to improve teacher mobility in STEM education?
    • What role can technology and digital platforms play in supporting teacher mobility and professional collaboration?


ELWIeR en Ecent als één STEM